So it’s been a while since I last posted. A lot has gone in in the last month or so. Comings and goings, people coming back in and out of life, all of these fun things.

I’ve spent a good bit of time with Gimp lately, and it’s been a blast to spend some time with him again. It’s also nice to be able to have a friend to reassure you of certain things that sometimes others can’t do. It’s been a big moral booster. It also makes me wish I had spent more time with him in the past, that I hadn’t let our friendship go so lax after rooming together. But all in all I’m glad that he’s understanding. You rock Gimp!

Layoffs really suck. Lots of people where I work got laid off recently, including some good friends and it’s just not the same anymore. It kinda makes me wonder about my future there, and what I want to do. I’ve never really had career goals, I’ve just been lucky to get where I am and lived it day to day. It’s been an extremely rewarding experience and I’ve learned a lot. But still it makes me begin to think of what I want out of a career or life in general for that matter. And I can’t say I’ve really had any goals of my own, just obsticles I know I’ve had to complete somehow to get to a job. Now I’ve got to think of what I want to do, and what exactly I want out of this life.